安徽教师招考网相关[宿州师出] 信息“2016安徽教师招聘考试英语专业核心考点-小学英语看图说话与话题知识”由师出教育发布 ,请多关注微信好友:18110934621。
根据情境、图画说话是英语说话训练的重要内容,它既有情景说话要求的具体性,又有看图说话的顺序 性及富于合理的想象,对于发展小学生的观察、思维及语言表达能力有着独特的作用。
1. 让学生在生活中自觉地运用英语说话
要教会学生运用已学过的句子,看见什么就说什么,想到什么就说什么。例如在教授“How many people are there in your family”一课时,“people”是新单词,教师首先问学生“How many”是什么意思,学 生很快会说是“多少”,接着便问“How many people are there in our classroom?”有一个学生小声说 “Seventy-six”,教师便鼓励该学生说“Good, very good, you are a good boy,pardon,please”。那学生便鼓足 勇气大声地说了一遍,全班同学报以热烈的掌声,其他同学也纷纷开始大声说.于是便让他们分组利用教室 里的实物用“How many”进行对话,他们每四人一组,纷纷举手发言:“How many light are there in our classroom?”“ How many windows are there in our classroom?” “ How many doors are there in our classroom?”还有的说“How many girls are there in our class?”“How many boys are there in our class?”于 是接着便问其中的一名学生:“Hello, answer my question, how many people are there in your family?”该生答:“Five, my grandpa, grandma, mum, dad and I. ” 很快其他人便很自觉地互相问答,所有的学生都沉浸在欢乐的英语海洋里。
2. 利用生活情景进行说话教学
单纯的口语教学很累,学生也没有兴趣,每隔几周上一次室外课,让学生在操场上围成一圈坐下,看到什 么说什么。看见一些学生上体育课,便问:“What are they doing?” “They are having P. E. class. ”看见一 个学生打篮球,于是就问:“What is the boy doing?”有一个学生说He is playing basketball. ”看见一个人 走过,就问:“Who’s that man?”—个学生说:“He’s our principal•”另一个说“He is tall and strong, he is very strict but he is very kind. ” 一节课下来,学生感到既轻松又愉快。
3. 放开视野,让学生在生活中寻找真实的语言环境
快到寒、暑假时,提示道:快放假了,我们会去游览有很多的名胜古迹,而且在这些地方每年都有许多外 宾来参观,他们都用英语交谈,放假以后,让学生请爸爸妈妈带着去,可以试着去和外国人说话,回来以后告诉老师。开学了,问学生的收获。“老师,我和外国人说话了。”“真了不起,你和他们说了什么?”有的说我 问那个老外:‘Where are you from?’他说:‘I’m from Canada, Where are you from?’我说:4 I’m from Fujian.,”“How old are you?”“How do you like China?”……“老师,还有…”这样让学生从现实生活中寻找寘实的语言,体会到了成功的乐趣和丰收的喜悦。
1. 利用生活中的图画进行说话教学
在教授“My teachers”一课时,教师问:“Who is your Chinese teacher? What is she/he like?”学生说: “Miss Liu, she is tall and thin. ”反映人物的特点,要通过细致的观察,而这恰恰是学生看图时最容易忽视的 地方。教学中针对这种情况,看图时做如下提示:“What is she like? Strict, kind or active?”学生便很积极 地说:“She is young and pretty. She is very strict but she is very kind. ”使学生既注意观察的宏观性、整体 性,又注意观察的微观性.部分的独特性,培养学生认饵细致的观察习惯。
2. 利用学生自己的图画进行说话教学
根据小学生的年龄特点,他们对新事物都很感兴趣,尤其是对图片很感兴趣.利用图片进行说话教学比单纯的课本上的一张图画教学效果更为突出。根据此特点,就让美术学得好的学生画一些书上的图片(有的 比书上画得更形象、生动),每当上课时,便对全班学生说,这是某某同学画的(有时拿到其他班),他们很高 兴,并且很有几分得意,而且学习兴趣更浓,其他同学也纷纷说老师,我也会画,我比他画得好。”“你画吧, 下次老师用你的,好吗?”比如,在教“1 love them”时,学生画了一个老爷爷,有人问,“老爷爷”用英语怎么说, 知道的同学说“grandpa”,接着问:“What is he like?”有的说:“他很和蔼,他很友好”。再问:“How to speak into English?”他们七嘴八舌地说:“He is very lovely. He is kind. He is friendly …”接下来要讲单词 “because”,学生不知道是什么意思,可以灵机一动,“Now, boys and girls, I love my students because they are very clever,谁知道汉语是什么意思?”学生说:“我喜欢我的学生,因为他们都很聪明。”马上给予肯定 14Good, very good!”让学生举例,“I like my English teacher because she likes me”。“Very good!”“I like my English teacher because her class is so much fun. ”“I like my English teacher because she is very young and pretty, and she is very kind. ”“I like…”于是便接着问:“Do you know what is the meaning of ‘because’?”学生说:“Yes,原因、因为、由于……”“OK, you are very clever!”这样,学生既会说这样一个原 因状语从句,又领会了“because”的汉语意思,既练习了口语,又学会了说话。
1. 动物篇
Look! This is a cat. It’s black and brown. Her eyes are big. Her ears are big, too. Her nose is small. Her tail(尾巴)is very long. Her favorite food is fish. She is two years old. She can run fast. She is very cute. I like cat very much.
2. 人物篇
I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and I. Look, this is my father. He is 35 years old. He is a doctor. And this is my mother. She is 33 years old. She is a teacher.(还可以描述爸爸妈妈的长相哦)I love my family.
3. 水果篇
From this picture, we can see many fruits, for example(例如),peach, banana, lemon, cherry, grape, pear and watermelon.(还可以介绍每种水果的颜色哦)My favorite fruit is grape. It is purple and it is sweet. Do you like grape?
4. 季节篇
Look at the picture, it’s snowy. We can see a tree, a snowman, a boy and a girl. The tree is big and green. The boy and the girl are very happy; they are making a snowman. They like winter. I like winter, too. Do you like winter?
5. 节日篇
In this picture, we can see an old man. He is Father Christmas. His name is Santa Clause. He is fat and short. On Christmas Day, he will give presents to children and say “Merry Christmas!” I can sing a song we wish you a merry Christmas • I like Christmas Day. What about you?
6. 运动篇
Look at the picture, the boy is my brother. He is ten years old. He is short and strong. His feet arc big. He can run very fast. He can play football. I can’t play football, but I can swim. If you can swim, come and swim with me.
7. 地点篇
(1) Look! There is a big blackboard and a red flat (旗)in my classroom. We can see my classmates and my teacher. This is my English teacher, she is beautiful. Her hair is long, her eyes are big. We like English very much.
(2) Look! This is my house. It’s very big. There are five rooms in my house. I have a beautiful bedroom. There is a bed, a TV, a table and a teddy bear in my room. The bed is pink, the bear is on the bed, and it’s yellow. The TV is on the table. I like to watch TV in my room. I like my bedroom very much.
1. 字母、单词的拼读规律;
2. 掌握和运用考纲规定的词汇;
3. 掌握基础语法知识和语法教学;
4. 了解和运用英语语言的功能和话题表达。