安徽教师招考网相关[宿州师出] 信息“2016安徽教师招聘考试英语专业核心考点-常见写作句型和重点词汇”由师出教育发布 ,请多关注微信好友:18110934621。
1. a combination of 合成,组成
A combination of three fabrics is being chosen to decorate a room.
2. account for 占据
In addition, the population in the countryside account for 80% of the population and the stability of the nation depends on them.
3. address the problem 着手解决问题
There are several ways to address this problem.
4. alleviate the problem缓解问题的严重性
Many people believe building an underground city is one way to alleviate the problem.
5. along with 随着...
Along with economic development 随着经济的发展
6. appropriate适当的,合适的
At an appropriate time, the chief promised to reveal his plan.
Use humor if it seems appropriate, even if you are dealing with a serious subject.
7. as a result of由于…,作为…的结果
Cooking is different from place to place as a result of different cultures and living styles.
8. as we know it像我们知道的那样
If there was not electricity, our world would not be able to operate as we know it.
9. attribute to 归因于
Several factors attributed to this problem.
10. avenue渠道,办法
Teaching over the Internet opened up a new avenue for learning.
11.挣钱养活自己:earn one’s living
12.充满信心:full of confidence in
13.不利于:not contribute to
14.—个更美好更光明的未来:a much better and brighter future
15.与时俱进:advance with times
16.古代中国:ancient China
17.充分发挥…的积极性:bring one’s initiative into full play
18.企业管理:business management
19.综合国力:comprehensive national strength
20.和别人合作:cooperate with others
21.危害人民健康:endanger people’s health
22.极其严重的问题:extremely serious problem
23.青少年犯罪:juvenile delinquency
24.巨大发展:make a big advance
25.拜金主义:money worship
26.盗版 VCD:pirated VCD
27.精神文明建设:promote cultural and ideological progress
28.工作场所:working place
29.团队精神:team spirit
30.双贏局面:win-win situation
31.网络信息:network information
32.可以毫不夸张地说:it would be no exaggeration to say that
33.赡养父母:support one’s parents
34.全力以赴:bring one’s talent into full play