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Part IV英译汉15分;15分钟


A new idea is put forward in his latest speech. 在他最近的一次讲话中提出了一个新观点。

A new war broke out between the two countries because of the incident.因为这一事件,两国之间爆发了一场新的战争。

Accustomed to living in the city, I had difficulty living in the country.我已经习惯于生活在城市,所以住在农村很困难。

After a meal in restaurant, you ask the waiter for the bill.你在餐馆吃完饭后,向服务员要帐单。

After two months they got used to living in the countryside.两个月后他们习惯了生活在农村。

All things considered, the result is satisfactory.考虑到所有情况,这个结果是令人满意的。

Are there such things that you could not get but really wanted to?有没有一些东西,你想要却没有得到。

As for the influence of computerization, nowhere but in U.S. have we seen the result so clearly.至于计算机化的影响,我们在哪里也不如在美国看到的结果更清楚。

At that time I had to catch the first bus ,so it was before long that I got used to getting up early.那时我每天得赶第一班汽车,所以不久,我就习惯早起了。

At the factory an worker showed us how to operate the new imported machine.在工厂一位工人给我们演示如何操作新进口的机器。


But for the rain we should have a good time in the mountain要不是因为雨,我们在山里会很愉快。

By means of this device the motor can stop turning of itself.利用这个装置,电动机能够自动停止转动。


Emphasis on the importance of learning English is never too much.我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。


For a whole night she lay buried in the snow.她被雪掩埋着躺了一整夜。


Having failed the examination, Harold feels very depressed.哈罗尔德考试不及格,感到很沮丧。                                     

He formed when he was young the habit of keeping promises.他年轻时养成守信的好习惯。

He got up very early yesterday morning so as not to be late for the meeting.他昨天早晨起得很早,以免开会迟到。

He has a large collection of books ,many of which are written in English.他收藏了大量的图书,很多是用英文写的。

He is not good at sport, but when it comes to English, he is the best in the class.他不擅长体育运动,但是谈及英语,他却是班级中最出色的。

He is not good at sports, but when it comes to English, he is the best in the class.他不擅长体育运动,但是谈及英语,他却是班级中最出色的。

He is one of those men who always do their best in difficult circumstances.他是一个在困难环境中总能尽全力的人。

He reached school very early every day in order to review the knowledge he has learned.他为了复习学过的知识,每天都很早到学校。

He went out in a small boat without any safety equipment or means of signaling for help.他乘一艘小船走了,小船没有任何安全设备和发求救信号的措施。

He will call you the moment he finishes his work.他一做完他的工作就会给你打电话的。

His father suddenly passed away, and what is worse, he was unemployed.他的父亲突然去世,更糟的是,他失业了。

His health has been affected, and may break down altogether if the strain continues.他的身体受到影响,而且如果压力继续下去,他会完全垮下来。


I am aware that I am unable to help her because that is beyond my ability.我明白,我帮不了她,这事超出我的能力范围。

I didn’t’t know Mary’s address, otherwise I would have gone to see her when I stayed in Paris.我不知道马丽的地址,不然的话,我在巴黎时会去看她的。

I don’t remember having been given a chance to try this method.我不记得被给过试验这种方法的机会。

I don’t think I know the girl with long hair, although she reminds me of someone I know.我觉得我不认识那位长发女孩,尽管她使我想起我认识的一个人。

I don’t think she’ll be upset, but I’ll see her in case she is.我认为她不会不安,但以防万一,我还是要去看她一下。

I have something urgent to do and I have to leave immediately.我现在有急事要做,得马上离开。

I hoped that she would answer my letter as soon as possible.我希望她能尽快给我回信。

I needn’t’t have written to him because he called me quickly then.我本没有必要给他写信,因为信没有到他就给我打电话了。

I once dreamed of traveling on the moon, which seems very likely now.我曾经梦想去月球旅行,现在看来这个梦想很可能实现。

I prefer writing a term paper to taking an examination.我宁愿写一篇学期论文,也不愿参加考试。

I promised to meet her there in a month, providing I was sufficiently recovered to do so.我答应一个月后在那里见她,但是要我的身体恢复到能那样做才行。

I remember being invited to their party ,but I have left the invitation in the office.我记得被邀请参加他们的晚会,但我把请柬留在办公室了。

I was very busy at the moment, but the classmates insisted that I join in their game.我当时很忙,但同学们坚持要我参加他们的游戏。

I went to the airport by a special bus, which was provided by the airline company.我乘坐由航空公司专门开通的巴士到了机场。

I would have come sooner, but I didn’t’t know that you were waiting.我本来能够来得更快,但是我不知道你在等着。

I’d rather not have the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.除非绝对需要,不然我是宁愿不做手术。

I’m going anyway, whether she will go is up to her to decide. 我无论如何要走,她是否走由她决定。

I’m unwilling to reject her request, but I am aware that I am unable to help her because that is beyond my ability.我实在不好拒绝她的要求,但我也很明白,我帮不了她,这事超出我的力量。

If Bob had come with us yesterday, he would have had a good time.如果昨天鲍博和我们一起来,他会玩得很高兴的。

If I were to decide to marry a rich man or a wise man, I would rather choose the former.如果让我决定是嫁给一个有钱的男人,还是一个聪明的男人,我宁愿选择前者。

If you invite me, I’d like to accept it happily.如果你邀请我的话,我会非常高兴地接受。

If you run into Bill, would you please tell him that I am looking for him?如果你碰巧遇到比尔,请告诉他我在找他。

If you take this medicine twice a day it should cure your cold.如果你服用这种药,每天两次,会治好你的感冒的。

If you want to improve your English, you have to speak it as often as possible.如果你要改进你的英文,就必须尽可能地常说它。

If you’d like to take the responsibility for the consequences, I’ll agree to this proposal.如果后果你负责,我就同意这项提议。

In terms of ability, he is the suitable candidate for the job.就能力而言,他是这项工作的合适人选。

It is already 6 o’clock. We have barely enough time to catch the train.现在已经六点钟了。我们要没有时间赶火车了。

It is not likely that this situation will continue very long.这个形势不像是能继续很久。

It is said that this bridge has existed for more than three centuries.据说这座桥已经存在三个多世纪了。

It is well known that Edison invented the electric lamp.人所共知爱迪生发明了电灯。

It is you, not him, who deserve praise.是你值得称赞,而不是他。                                          

It suddenly occurred to me that some materials need to be collected before writing the dissertation.我突然想到,在写论文之前应搜集一些资料。

It was not such a good novel as she had described.这本小说不像他所描述的那么好。

It was snowing heavily when he left home for the railway station.当他离家去火车站时,雪正下得很大。

It was Tony who suggested going to the opera.是托尼建议去听歌剧的。

It’s a shame that you have so little time in New York on the tour.你旅游中在纽约的时间这么短,太遗憾了。

It’s not for money that I teach; I like teaching.我教书不是为了钱,我喜欢教书。


Let me show you our new reservoir which was completed last year.我领你看看我们去年完成的新水库。


My brother lent me his pen because mine was broken.我的哥哥把他的笔借给了我,因为我的坏了。

My young sister desires to learn knowledge; she reads whenever she is free.我的妹妹渴求知识,一有时间就读书。


Not until he had finished the experiment successfully did Prof. Smith leave the laboratory.史密司教授直到成功做完实验才离开实验室。


On the other hand, a good teacher needs to know how to encourage his students to learn.另一方面,一位好的老师需要懂得如何鼓励学生学习。

Once I worked with them and often heard them speak very good English.我曾经和他们一起工作,经常听他们讲非常好的英语。。

One should always keep in mind the old saying: Never leave what you can do today till tomorrow.我们应当永远记住这样一句古话:绝不把今天能做的事留到明天。

Our supply of water will run out if the drought continues for one more month.如果干旱再继续一个月,我们水的供应就会用完。


Please cover the food with a piece of paper in case dust falls on it.请用一张纸把食物盖上,以防落上灰尘。

Please remind me of it again this evening in case I forget.请在今天晚上再提醒我一下,以免我忘记。

Pollution affects everyone who lives in an industrial city.污染影响到每个生活在工业城市的人。



Seen from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”. 地球表面的70%被水覆盖着,从太空中看地球,它就像蓝色的行星。

She can’t help feeling helpless because of her mother’s death.由于她母亲去世了,她不禁感到无助。

She has an advantage of being able to speak several languages.她有能够说几种语言的优势。

She has been living in the town since 1951 and she often says she will never leave it.她从1951年就一直住在这个镇里,并且经常说她将永远不离开这里。                            

She is not necessarily intelligent although she is pretty.尽管她漂亮,却未必聪明。

She told us such an interesting story that we all forgot about the time.她给我们讲了非常有趣的故事,使我们把时间都忘了。

Since she isn’t answering her telephone, she must have left.既然她没在接电话,肯定已经离开了。

Some young women would rather remain single than get married.有些女孩宁可单身,也不结婚。

Swimming is useful skill besides its goodness for health.除了有益健康外,游泳还是一项有用的技能。


Teachers of children need to set standards high enough to challenge them, but not so high as to prevent them from succeeding.教小孩的老师定的标准应该高到对他们有挑战性,但是又不能高得妨碍他们成功。

The Americans celebrate Christmas just as the Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival.美国人过圣诞节就像我们过春节一样。

The directions are too vague for either theoretical information or practical use.这些说明对理论知识或实际应用来说,都太模糊。

The discussion quickly became a very heated argument about increasing  price. 讨论很快变成了关于涨价问题的激烈争吵。

The farmers living in the suburban area of that town are getting richer and richer.住在那个城市郊区的农民越来越富有。

The grass has grown a lot this past week; it needs cutting.过去的一周草长了很多,需要剪了。

The house is in disorder. It can’t have been cleaned.这房子很乱,不可能打扫过。

The house needs painting ,but they plan to wait until next spring to do it.这所房子需要刷油,但是他们计划等到来年春天再干。

The kids have graduated from the school of law before we knew it.在不知不觉中,孩子们已从法律学校毕业了。

The kids stay in the room, practicing typing.孩子们呆在房间里,练习打字。

The learned think themselves superior to the common people.有学问的人认为他们比普通群众高明。

The lonely walker kept looking back because he was afraid of being followed.这个独自行走的人总回头看,因为他怕被人跟踪。

The man-made satellite is circling the earth, with its solar batteries being charged by the sun.人造卫星正在绕着地球转,太阳在给卫星的太阳能电池充电。

The manufactures ought to have carried out one of the Chairman’s proposals, but they didn’t’t.生产厂家本来应该采纳主席的一项建议,但是他们没有。

The most effective method of doing this is the one employed in Hollywood.做这件事最有效的方法就是好莱坞使用的那种方法。

The old man is in the habit of going for a walk along the river every morning unless it rains.这位老人有个习惯,除了下雨,每天早晨都沿河散步。

The workers elected those leaders as candidates whom they regarded as the most active and reliable.工人们推选哪些他们认为最积极可靠的领导人作为候选人。

There is a row of new houses on the hill which all face the valley below.山上有一排新房,都朝着下面的山谷。

There is no point in applying for that job as you are not properly qualified.由于你不胜任那项工作,因此申请它没有意义。

There is no point in learning English, unless you practice every day.除非你每天练习,不然学习英语没有意义。                                     

They work hard, which contributes to their success.他们工作努力,这有助于他们获得成功。

This hall is used on great occasions, such as a big dinner, or a ball.这个大厅在重要场合使用,如大型宴会或者舞会。

This question is so difficult that we can not solve it. If only the teacher were here!这个问题太难,我们解答不了,要是老师在这儿就好了。

To his astonishment, the patient learned that he would die if he was not promptly treated.病人震惊地了解到,如果他的病不及时治疗,会导致死亡。

Tom, you are so lazy. This job should have been finished hours before.汤姆,你太懒了。这活几小时前就改完成。

Two men burst into the office and tried to grab the money just as it was being counted.两个人冲进办公室想要抢过正在被数的钱。


We are all satisfied with the result, which is much better than that we have expected.我们对这个结果皆很满意,比我们所期待的好得多。

We do not necessarily grow wiser as we grow older.随着我们年龄的增长,我们未必会变得更聪明。

We need a clever mind and a strong body as well.我们不仅需要一个聪明的头脑,而且也需要一个健康的身体。                   

We postponed the lesson to next week, hoping that the teacher would be back then.我们把课延迟到下周,那时老师或许会回来。

We shall appreciate it if you will arrange shipment by a direct steamer to London.你方如能安排直达船装运到伦敦,我们将不胜感激。

Were the diameter of a wire smaller, its resistance would be increased.如果电线的直径更小,它的阻力会增大。

What else did you do yesterday besides repairing your bike?昨天你除了修自行车还做什么了?

When he came in, I happened to be lying on the bed, reading.当他进来时,我恰巧正倒在床上看书。

When he woke up, he realized that the things he had dreamt about could not have happened.当他醒来时,他意识到他所梦到的事情是不可能发生的。

When I came back from France I brought them all a present.我从法国回来时,给他们每人都带了礼物。

When you have finished moving the furniture, please tell me.当你搬完家具时请告诉我一声。

Would you please not read the script until after you have listened to the tape?请直道听完录音磁带后再看文字材料。

Writers often compare our society to a great stage and all men and women are actors and actresses.作家经常把社会比作大舞台,所有男男女女都是演员。


Yesterday I stayed up late and I didn’t’t get up till 10’ clock this morning.昨天我很晚才睡觉,今天早晨十点钟才起床。

You are really foolish. It should have been finished hours ago.你真傻,这事几个小时前就应该完成。

You can have these books for free. You can choose any one you like.这些书可免费拥有。你喜欢哪一本就拿哪一本。

You must study hard, because it is related to your future very much.你要努力学习,这和你的未来有极大的关系。

You ought to have come yesterday if you were really serious about the job.如果你真的在意这项工作的话,你昨天就该来。

You’d better remain where you are, or you will be in danger.你最好呆在那里别动,不然你将有危险。

Young as he was, he was equal to the task.尽管他很年轻,但他能胜任这项工作。






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